Students who undergo the MDeC Soft Skills Training program are required to plan, organize, and run their own graduation ceremony, and the event is normally done on the last day of the program. We trainers were also invited to the graduation ceremony and I would have to say that I was really really impressed with the way they organized this event. As mentioned in one of my earlier postings, I couldn't believe that the whole event was actually organized by the students. They did an absolutely fantastic job! The program flow was done very well and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We took alot photos during the ceremony...but I can't possibly post everything here...or else it would take me forever to finish this posting. Anyway, here are some of the ones I'd like to share with you, enjoy!

This is Ms. Yap Siew Ting, the organizing chairperson...and here she is saying a few words on behalf of the students...I remember her well because she's always smiling during the training =)

"OK...this is how u hold the weapon! and this was how my sifu (mentor), Bruce Lee taught me to hold it..." haha...this is the first group showcasing their Creativity & Innovation project. It's actually a Multipurpose Umbrella...which can also be used as a walking stick for old people...of course, there are other functions for this umbrella...but we're not going to go into the details...

More explanation regarding their invention...

This is Frank, the model and spokesperson for the 2nd group. Here he is, showcasing his group's invention, the Multipurpose Jacket. This jacket can be worn as a normal day to day use jacket...but in the event of a flood, this jacket can be inflated and converted into a life jacket, which will help keep you afloat and prevent you from drowning. If I'm not mistaken, this jacket can also protect the person wearing it from getting burnt in the event that a fire breaks out.

This is the 3rd group with their invention...the Electric Handbag...The idea behind this handbag is to electrify those snatch thieves who attempt to snatch your activating the alarm on the handbag, you can actually 'fry' your assailant. (interesting idea...just don't accidentally fry yourself when using this handbag...)
This is Frank again....sharing his testimonials and experiences during the past 15 days...

This is Poh of the engineering students from UTAR. A very bright young man...I remember his name very well because he shares the same name as my grand father...
This is Ms. Jamie Tan sharing how much she has benefitted from this program...we've since become good friends...she is one young lady who really believes in the spirit of giving, giving and giving...she's such a selfless giver....I've learnt alot from her...she has not only taught me the real meaning of sharing and giving...she has actually shown it to me by walking her talk...Thank you so much for enlightening me...
This young lady, Ji Leng has got such a beautiful she is...mesmerizing the crowd with her song....I forgot the name of the song, but it was a malay song. She can really seriously sing!! and her voice is really powerful! of you want a singer to perform at any of your functions...just give me a call...I'm her self-appointed can deal with me...haha...

'Kacang Putih... Ikan Bilis... Pisang Goreng... mari mari mari....siapa cepat...dialah yang dapat...' this was part of the sketch the students performed....

This was a really interesting sketch...with one of the students...Willy, acting as an aunty...he even altered his voice to sound like those aunties in the market...*salute*!

This was towards the end of the graduation ceremony...they sang a song and dedicated this song to all the guests who attended their ceremony...
Look at their happy smiley faces....
Here they are a much more relaxed come I wasn't in this picture?*regret*

The students with the trainers after the ceremony

I have no idea when they took this photograph...but they looked really cute!!! haha...

Another one of those cute photographs....they're really creative when it comes to taking photographs...I would never have thought of taking photographs in this manner! haha...interesting...
These 2 beautiful ladies taking photos in front of the backdrop....If I'm not mistaken...they actually painted the backdrop themselves...very NICE!!!

What's the guy doing at the back there? This was supposed to be an all girls photo!

And finally, the last photo for this batch....this is actually a photo taken during the karaoke session...they went for a karaoke session after their graduation ceremony. We trainers were asked to join in, but being 'old' people....we decided not to...haha...
I've learnt so much from this batch of students. They have taught me alot of things I didn't know I didn't know (this is what we call "unconscious incompetence" do not know what you do not know)...and they have allowed me to grow and improve myself as a trainer. The feedback I received from them allowed me to understand my weaknesses and this in turn allowed me to further improve my training methodologies.
Would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to the students and to let them know that I'm EXTREMELY PROUD of them!