Graduation Night...
Sorry for the lack of updates, was busy conducting trainings the past 2 weeks for UPM & UTAR...*lame Excuse!! ok ok ....I admit....I was lazy*
Anyway, here are some of the pictures we took during the students' RED CARPET Graduation be very honest with you, I don't think they did a good job in planning and running the event.....I think they did a FANTASTIC job...*Applause! Applause!!*
The students just before the graduation ceremony began...*so busy and you still have time for photographs?*
The happy cheerful children...
What's with the flowers?
*The hills are alive....with the sound of muuuuusic...AH haAAaaAaaa...* we have the entire cast for the Malaysian version of 'Sound of Music'...
Group photo with the VIPs...*'s so not like you guys..*
Now that's slightly better!!
The happy, smiling graduates of the MDeC K-workers program showing off their certificates...*Congrats Congrats!!*
The 'we absolutely love taking photographs' girls...
Here they go again!
Now it's the guys' turn...Look at them....all Cool & MACHO...*at least they're trying hard to be!!*
Group photo with ME!
It was a very fun night...just that it passed by so quickly (time ZoOoOoOOmS by when you're having fun)...I'll defnitely miss this CrEAtiVe bUNcH of mONkeyS very much....
I want to take this opportunity to say a big Thank YOU to all of you for enriching my life...
Friday, October 5, 2007
MDeC Training, MMU Melaka (Batch 4) - Graduation Night (Part 4)
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