Part 3 - Egg Game (Continued...)
In the previous posting, we saw how the first 2 groups performed. Now, let's look at how Group #3 and Group #4 perform with their 'Masterpiece Structures'. Enjoy!
Ok...What do we have here? Group #3's Masterpiece...Honestly, when Hock Seng (my co-trainer) and I saw this structure, our first comment was...the opening is wayyy too narrow. Perhaps they forgot to consider the fact that the egg will be launched at a height of about 8 - 9 feet. Their chances are pretty slim...UNLESS...they can aim really really won't work....they don't stand a chance( least that was what we thought...)
The Egg launcher for Group #3 posing with Mr. Eggy...All smiles...
Group members doing their last minute adjustments...I like their spirit of team work and cooperation..
2 hours later.....(Just joking)...putting in their final touch...OK...enough!! let's get going you guys and girls...
Finally...Ze'Moment of TRUTH!! Will they succeed? What does the future hold for Mr. Eggy? 3..2..1..
WOW! Impressive! Their 1st attempt and IN it went! "What did I tell you Hock Seng? I KNEW they were gonna succeed...hahaha....OK OK....I admit...I was wrong....I shouldn't have passed judgement so soon...". What I learnt from this experience is that..."Nothing is Absolute...Nothing is for sure until the last minute..Anything is Possible! Sometimes in life...the thing that you least expect to happen...happens....this is just how life, in whatever it is that you're working on, be prepared for any eventualities because according to Murphy's law..."If anything can go wrong, it will!" Similarly...according to uV's law (haha..).."If anything can go will too!"
Well Done guys! I'm so proud of you. Look at their happy smiley faces...The Victorious Group #3!!
Next, we have Group #4..."guys...are you JUST STARTING to build your structure? We don't have the whole day! Oops...sorry guys...didn't see you structure at the back there..."
Group #4 doing some last minute adjustments on their structure...Clearly..they have an advantage here because they were able to learn from the experiences of the other groups...
What's she holding there?
Oh...that's very Creative! Joining a few straws together to assist in your aiming...Not bad....not bad at all...
Team members of Group #4 doing some last minute adjustments...
Here we have our Egg launcher with his team mate Mr. Eggy in his hands...Will Mr. Eggy survive?
Unfortunately....*sigh*....They were way off their target...Poor Mr. Eggy....I Can't bear to do this activity anymore....too many casualties...too many lives lost in the name of Creativity....
A closer look at poor Mr. Eggy......
That's all for this time...In our next posting, we're going to see how these students organized their graduation ceremony...You're gonna enjoy it....So, stay tuned!!!
“Nothing encourages creativity like the chance to fall flat on one's face.”
-James D. Finley -
Monday, September 17, 2007
MDeC Training, MMU Melaka - 3rd Batch (Part 3)
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