Graduation Night...
Sorry for the lack of updates, was busy conducting trainings the past 2 weeks for UPM & UTAR...*lame Excuse!! ok ok ....I admit....I was lazy*
Anyway, here are some of the pictures we took during the students' RED CARPET Graduation be very honest with you, I don't think they did a good job in planning and running the event.....I think they did a FANTASTIC job...*Applause! Applause!!*
The students just before the graduation ceremony began...*so busy and you still have time for photographs?*
The happy cheerful children...
What's with the flowers?
*The hills are alive....with the sound of muuuuusic...AH haAAaaAaaa...* we have the entire cast for the Malaysian version of 'Sound of Music'...
Group photo with the VIPs...*'s so not like you guys..*
Now that's slightly better!!
The happy, smiling graduates of the MDeC K-workers program showing off their certificates...*Congrats Congrats!!*
The 'we absolutely love taking photographs' girls...
Here they go again!
Now it's the guys' turn...Look at them....all Cool & MACHO...*at least they're trying hard to be!!*
Group photo with ME!
It was a very fun night...just that it passed by so quickly (time ZoOoOoOOmS by when you're having fun)...I'll defnitely miss this CrEAtiVe bUNcH of mONkeyS very much....
I want to take this opportunity to say a big Thank YOU to all of you for enriching my life...
Friday, October 5, 2007
MDeC Training, MMU Melaka (Batch 4) - Graduation Night (Part 4)
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1 comment:
**clap clap clap** we (that includes u too..) did well, in our training and our graduation. we are a bunch of good students and definitely creative ones. haha (self praise no praise? when no one praise us, we praise ourselves lor.. no?)
thanks uV for passing down ur creativity to us. *ehem* although its in-born in us.
But still, Thanks for sharing. we learned a lot. i mean at least i learned a lot. Hope to see u soon, Take care.
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