The Egg Game...
Here we have the 1st group with their 'work of art'...all prepared and set to go! Ready to break some eggs? haha...
Doing some last minute adjustments to their structure...
And here we have the egg launcher, Meng Chung proudly showing us the egg he is about to break...just joking...(I'm so mean...Can't believe I said that...)
Chin Seong giving his team mate some moral support and encourgament...I'm sure Meng Chung is now under alot of stress.... to not disappoint his fellow team not let them down...All the best guys!!
*Good luck to you too, eggy...*
Here comes the egg!!! *drums roll*...absolute silence just seconds before the egg is the egg going to survive?
OoOopPss!!...the first casualty...Anyway, he aimed well....just that there wasn't enough insulation to absorb the impact when the egg landed inside their structure...pity the egg...must've hurt....*ouch*
(notice the egg...or rather..what's left of the egg, at the top right hand corner of the structure...)
What went wrong? How come it didn't break the fall of the egg? WHY?? WHY??? I've already done all the calculations....F= mg...Force equals to mass multiplied by the gravitational acceleration....Impossible!! WHY????TELL ME WHY???
Haiyah....very simple....we should have placed more straws here...and we should have put the straws this way.....
The 1st group didn't quite succeed...neither did they fail...they merely obtained some undesired results...but as long as they don't give up, as long as they keep changing their approach to find better ways to design their structure...they'll definitely succeed one day.....Keep it up guys!
Anyway....let's shift our focus to the 2nd group...
The 2nd group with their spikey struture...(I guess the spikes are there to prevent members of the other groups from going near it...that's the only logical explanation I can come up with because I don't see how the spikes at the side and the bottom of the structure play a role in preventing the egg from breaking...any views from you readers out there? please feel free to leave a comment at the end of this posting...)
By the way...where's everyone?....?? (guess they're afraid of the spikes too? haha)
Here we have Pui Ling, the egg launcher for the 2nd group, doing some initial testing...testing 1...2...3...
The moment we've all been waiting for....Will this egg survive?
Maher giving Pui Ling some moral support and words of encouragement seconds before the launch...."You can do can! Believe you can...then you can!" Good luck guys!
*good luck to you too eggy*...
Some last minute Datuk Seri Saeed...
Unfortunately, after much consideration, I have decided not to post the photo of Mr. Eggy's death. It was just too tragical...too painful...can't bear to look at the photo...but suffice to say... Mr. Eggy sacrificed itself for a noble cause...*sob*sob*
What happened? How come? CANNOT BE! Our structure is so perfect! Impossible!
Datuk Seri Saeed still coming to grips with the loss of their precious egg...their team mate...or rather...their broken and shattered team mate....
Pui Ling seems happy there....Guess she's trying to cheer her team mates up..."look least it wasn't you who launched our eggy team mate to DEATH....I was the one who did it...If at all someone should be sad...I should be the one!...But I'm not! I refuse to be! I'm positive about every successful endeavour, sacrifices have to be made for the team to succeed. So, get over it and let's see what we can learn from this to ensure our success in the future...!!, who wants to take the place of Mr. Eggy the next round?"
"Yeah, Pui Ling, I guess you're right...Let's see what we can learn from this experience...and see how we can use this experience to help us achieve the success we've always dreamed of....anyway...before we draw straws from Soon's hand (notice the straws in Soon's hand) to choose a replacement for Mr. Eggy...let's get a group photo for remembrance.."
erm...notice who's missing here? I guess they've chosen the replacement for Mr. Eggy....
In the next posting, we'll see how the other 2 groups, that's all for this time...See ya all and Ciao!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
MDeC Training, MMU Melaka - 3rd Batch (Part 2)
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1 comment:
hahaha.... very nice mr commentator.. =) anyway our eggie didnt die that horribly as u said.. u see the 1st pic of the 2nd group... see the egg lying there? its actually still in tact. just with a lil crack.. haha oh and those spikes? hmm.. we were just creating a very comfy nest for the eggie... haha
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